I hate it when my wife calls me crying on the phone. I'm one of those guys who has to fix everything and I can't fix anything on the phone. This call was particularly alarming as I can't do anything to fix spotting during a pregnancy (although I'm wondering if anyone has thought about using plumbers putty...) It was amazing how quickly I found myself with a whole row to myself on the train, however. I guess saying, "how bad are you bleeding?" and "do you feel any cramping?" makes people want to find another seat. Something to file away for later, I guess.
Obviously, by my poor attempt at humor, you can tell the issue turned out to be benign. We went and had an ultra sound today and everything turned out fine, "no big deal", the Doctor told us. The cool thing is, we ended up with more pictures!

We've also changed the baby's reference from 'blob' to 'gummy bear'. I don't know about you, but I think GB definately has an Owens head.