Finn's almost 9 months old. We've generally got a good routine going and I've even had all three of the kids on my own for a day here or there. LOL Braeden is almost finished with first grade and Ashlyn is all registered for kindergarten next year. I am so excited for her to be in school! I can't wait to see how she does! Plus, it will either be so peaceful or really boring at home with just Finn and I. ;o)
Ryan is chugging along at work and I am at home with three. This time it has gone much more smoothly. I am not sure why. Probably because the older kids are just that--older. Unlike the last time I was home, the older ones are actually able to help out. And they do. They absolutely dote on and smother their brother with love.
Things have changed some around here. (Understatement of the century.) We have been enlightened to the evils of Big Food and have been slowly changing the way we purchase food and eat. Going organic, grassfed beef, natural eggs, no growth hormones in the milk. I even have done something I said I'd never do: Cloth diapers!!! It's actually going much better than I thought it would. Cloth diapers these days are so close to 'sposies. The only difference is that you wash them and reuse. I already do laundry daily so one more load really isn't a big deal. We use BumGenius 3.0 but there are endless choices out there. I just asked my sister-in-law what she uses. Can't go wrong with experience, right?
We also have a couple of fish tanks again. (In addition to the pond we've had for a couple of years.) The addition of these aquariums mark a very important return to some sort of 'normalcy'. When Finn was younger, I never would've considered beginning an aquarium, never mind my first fully planted aquarium. I love my fish tanks. They are so relaxing to watch and my kids love to observe the plants, fish, and snails going about their business everyday. It's great to have a bit of nature in suburbia.
I've also started thinking about our yearly vacation--a trip to Maine. We rent a beach house that's not too far from my parents and spend the week playing on the beach, visiting with family, and eating all of the yummy foods that I grew up eating. Lobster, Alex's pizza, real italian subs, whoopie pies from Moody's, maple creme donuts from Reilly's Bakery. This year my mother and father-in-law and brother-in-law will be joining us. I'm excited to have them along as well. Both of our families are rarely together at the same time. Hopefully, having so many family members around will also allow Ryan and I to get away briefly without the kids for our 12th anniversary. Time sure does fly!
God has blessed us and I am feeling so thankful. We have our rough times but overall things are great!