Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And we have pictures...

A king size bed, minivans, and boys

No, it's not the title of some weird gay 70's porn. It's pretty much been the focus of the last couple of months (non the gay porn thing, the other stuff...oh forget it, I'm digging a hole).

Anywho, let's start with the least interesting news (I'm building to a big climax-get it climax?- I kill myself sometimes). Despite my better judgement, I acquiesced to getting a new bed. The problem was that I was deeply, madly, passionately in love with our old bed. It was a sleep number bed, quite easily the best bed ever made.

April, however, hated it.

So, in an effort to be a sensitive, caring husband, I sacrificed my comfort to get a new bed. WE ended up with a nice King size bed (I can't remember who makes it, but to be honest, since it ain't a sleep number, I don't care). I'll admit, that the fact that I gave in was a bit strategice in nature. See, back when April was pregnant with Ashlyn, I ended up sleeping on a matress on the floor of the bedroom because April needed the whole bed to be comfortable (she's such a diva). Since we had a queen size bed at the time, I insisted that any new bed be at least a king. Now I'm not going to be kicked out in the next few months...I hope.

Our next two adventures came back to back. This last Saturday, April and I finally bit the bullet and bought a new minivan, a 2007 Chrysler Town and Country. I wasn't looking forward to it, really. First, we haven't had a car payment in over 3 years. Second, I was looking forward to raising my coolness factor by getting something hip like a VUE hybrid or something like that. But, with the fact that our old minivan was 10 years old, had a finicky (read non-existant) thermostat and had an annoying habit of NOT starting 60% of the time, we figured it was in everyones best interest to upgrade.

Sigh, I might as well just start wearing black socks with shorts and sandles...

Finally, as most of you are already aware of, we're expecting a boy! We're really excited! I'm especially happy, because now, I can have a priest, a nun AND someone to carry on the Owens name. Life is good!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a boy!!

Yay! The baby cooperated and it was very obvious that it's a boy! Big sister Ashlyn is still in a bit of denial but she'll get it eventually. :o) Pics later.