Sunday, July 26, 2009

38 weeks and bed rest

Well-my blood pressure is up so I'm on bed rest. I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow for more blood work so we'll see what happens. Bed rest makes me tired.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Prediction

Good day all,

Ryan here.

As you saw in April's last post, we're rapidly coming to the end of this phase of child number 3. So, in keeping with my bold tradition of making wildly arbitrary statements, I will predict, with unequivical certainty that the due date for Finn is.......(start the drum roll in your head).......July 16, 2009 at 2 pm. Yup, 1 week from today.

Anyone else wanna hazard a guess?

I'll even make it interesting. Besides the envy of millions (well, ok, dozens), the winner will get a framed picture of Finn in all his Owens awesomeness...

Good luck!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Almost in the 9th month...

Yay! I'm tired and getting anxious to meet the second Son of a Son of a Sailor for us. Baby Finn is growing on schedule and actually seems to be about a week ahead. My blood pressure is holding ok for right now but was a bit high at the last appointment so we'll see what happens. Baby clothes and blankets are washed, baby equipment is set-up, house is pretty much decluttered...I'm ready to go. We are having weekly ob appointments now so we're getting close. :o)