Friday, May 29, 2009

Wow-it's about time for an update...

At our last appointment, the doctor said that he'd like to monitor me a bit more closely since I have high blood pressure. (Which, thankfully, is under control for now.) What that means is that I now have to go in for OB appointments every two weeks and I will be having some extra ultrasounds.

I had one such ultrasound today. :o) Finn is doing well although he seems to be confused about what direction to face and he's breech right now. Fingers crossed and prayers being said that he turns before delivery. I'd be bummed if my third had to be a c-section after two non-eventful deliveries.

On a good note, the boy is measuring a bit ahead--closer to 31 or 32 weeks. The ultrasound tech said we may have a bigger baby on our hands. :o)