Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let us 'splain...(aka, He Shoots...He Scores!!!)

I guess we need to do some explaining. Yes, we're pregnant.

(deep breath)

Ok, so now that we got that out of the way, I just wanted to mention (before anyone else asks) that we're about 95% ecstatic, 3% terrified, 1% dumbfounded, and 1% hungry (I had a light breakfast, sorry).

It's amusing, too, because in the past few months April and I have had a few conversations about 'What if we got pregnant, again?' (as a little context, we don't use Artificial Birth Control, we subscribe to the Natural Family Planning method- which, come to think of it, we probably shouldn't advertise, because we're pretty much miserable failures at it...). Suffice it to say, we were pretty sure we didn't want to have any more kids. But, the good Lord being the ultimate prankster, he decided to answer our little 'What if?' philosophical exercise.

So join us won't you? In an effort to embrace the new world of Social Media, I've started this blog and we'll be updating this blog on a regular basis to keep our family and friends on the happenings as April incubates yet another of my demon spawn. Feel free to post comments, well wishes, send along donations, etc... Just sit back, keep your head and arms inside the car at all times and enjoy the ride!

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