Friday, December 5, 2008

Testing our Resolve

So, we had a bit of an issue yesterday. Turns out that the test results from April's doctor visit showed that she had a relatively low hCG count (for those of you unaware of what hCG levels are, you can see an explanation here). If you recall, we had a similar situation with Ashlyn early on in that pregnancy, except it was low progesterone, not hCG.

Unfortunately, April was at school when she found out (via voicemail) and she was having a devil of a time getting back in touch with the office to find out exactly how low they were, which raised our collective stress levels (and with a room full of 1st graders, the stress level is already pretty high).

As we communicated back and forth via email, one thing came abundantly clear in both our minds; no matter how unreceptive we were to adding a third child into the family 1 month ago, we had completely and totally accepted the reality of this child. If last month you had offered us a choice between winning the lottery or having another child, we would have taken the money. This week, if you had you offered us the same choice we would have chosen the child.

Believe what you will, but I am firmly convinced that yesterday's crisis was the Almighty's way of showing us that any doubt we may have, while natural, is unwarranted. He knew, deep down, that we were ready for this and we could handle whatever chaos comes our way. We're ready to embrace it!

Oh, April finally heard back from the doctor's later in the afternoon. Her level was 321, which if you look on the scale for 4 weeks is actually just slightly lower than the average. It turns out it's not a huge deal, the doctor is going to check it again today, just to get a feel of how quickly it's rising, but there doesn't seem to be any huge concern.

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