Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby Logistics; Taking Stock of Our Supplies

Wouldn't you know it, this summer April and I got into a 'clean the clutter' frame of mind. Of course the first stuff to go was all the baby stuff we had in storage. This naturally gave rise to multiple jokes concerning the fact that we were jinxing ourselves (which as we all know by now, we did).

In any event, we recently took stock of our current level of baby supplies:

  1. Stroller

  2. Pack and Play

  3. ....(sound of crickets chirping)


Man, did we hose ourselves! What in the name of Michael Knight were we thinking getting rid of all that stuff? No crib, no high chair, no changing table, no baby clothes, NOTHING!

On the plus side, we now have a pretty good idea of what exactly we need. No sense debating on what brand of baby wipe warmer we should get. I did find this web site, though, it's a pretty good list of what we now have to re-acquire:

Also, I added a poll to the site, so now you can vote on what sex the baby will be (sorry only 2 choices) .

1 comment:

April said...

Don't forget the baby monitor! We have one of those, too! ;o)